Township of Woolwich
Revised Council Agenda

Council Chambers - Hybrid with YouTube Livestream
24 Church Street West, Elmira ON, N3B 2Z6
Chair: Mayor Sandy Shantz

That the Council of the Township of Woolwich convenes in closed session on Tuesday, August 27, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in accordance with section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, for the purposes of considering the following:

  1. Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees (Downtown Elmira BIA Board Appointment);
  2. Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees (Staffing Matter); and
  3. Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board (Building Enforcement Matter).

That Council reconvenes in open session.

Instructions for Delegations

  1. You have a maximum of 7 minutes to speak unless Council or the Clerk has set a different time. There will be a timer on the screen and you will hear a warning when you have 1 minute and when your time is up.
  2. Once you are finished, please wait for questions of clarification from Council. When there are no more questions for you, virtual delegates please turn your microphone and camera off again and in-person delegates may return to their seat. You are welcome to stay for the rest of the meeting or leave when you want.
  3. Council discussion and debate will start when all questions of clarification have finished.


That the Council of the Township of Woolwich, considering Report C18-2024 respecting Arts & Culture Grants – Three Sisters Cultural Centre:

  1. Approve an Arts & Culture Grant request of $3,000 to be funded through the Transient Accommodation Tax Reserve Fund to support the 2024 Kissing Bridge Art Tour; and
  2. Approve an Arts & Culture Grant of $750 to support the Spirit Humanity Earth: Exploring Healing Through Art event.


That the Council of the Township of Woolwich, considering Report C19-2024 respecting 2025 Annual Grants Program:

  1. Direct staff to include the annual grant request of Shelter Movers Southwestern to the 2025 draft Operating Budget; and
  2. Direct staff to include the annual grant request of Hearts Open for Everyone (HOPE) to the 2025 draft Operating Budget.

WEAC Recommendation:

That the Council of the Township of Woolwich, considering the Woolwich Environmental Advisory Committee Memo: Recommendation to Council to Endorse ReForest Woolwich,

  1. Endorse the ReForest Woolwich project; and
  2. Direct staff to prepare a report on the long-term costs and benefits.

Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine, and are enacted in one motion in order to expedite the meeting. However, any Council member may request one or more items to be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion and/or action.

That the following consent items be approved and received for information:


That the Council of the Township of Woolwich, respecting the Quarterly Report - Second Quarter April 1 - June 30, receive the report for information.


That the Council of the Township of Woolwich, in accordance with Report DS 29-2024 , direct staff to proceed with the process to consider amendments to the Heritage Designation By-law 60-2007 respecting the West Montrose Covered Bridge as it relates to the proposed rehabilitation, which includes amending the appropriate by-law and providing a ‘Notice of proposed amendment’ as prescribed under the Ontario Heritage Act.

WEAC Recommendation:

That the Council of the Township of Woolwich, considering the Woolwich Environmental Advisory Committee Memo: Request for No Idling By-law, direct staff to evaluate the materials referenced in the Memo and draft a new by-law against carbon-based fuel engine idling on Township properties.

That the meeting adjourns to meet again in regular session on September 24, 2024.


This meeting is being live streamed to the Woolwich Township YouTube account and a recording will be published following the meeting. Live meetings will appear on the home page once the live stream has started which may be shortly after the scheduled start time. If you don't see a live video, please be patient and try reloading the page.


To submit comments or participate in the meeting or if you have any questions about the content or outcome of this meeting, please contact the Council and Committee Support Specialist at 519-669-6004 or 


Should you require an alternative format of any documents within this agenda package, please contact the Council and Committee Support Specialist at 519-669-6004 or

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