WHEREAS Woolwich Township understands and appreciates the importance of implementing road and public safety initiatives in rural areas near schools that protect the public; and
WHEREAS the Region of Waterloo has instituted various road safety measures to improve safety in school zones in the Cities, and has begun instituting the same measures in Rural areas by decreasing speed limits from 80km/h to 40 km/h and installing speed cameras; and
WHEREAS solutions that improve safety on urban streets are not always appropriate for rural roads, and may in fact be counterproductive and cause community frustration; and
NOW THEREFORE be it resolved that the Council of the Township of Woolwich:
- supports rural solutions in rural areas, which includes lowering speed limits in school zones to from 80km/h to 60km/h, not the current 40km/h;
- supports investigating the installation of flashing lights in school zones that operate during school hours instead of active speed cameras;
- supports the Mayor’s efforts to advocate for these changes at Regional Council; and
- directs staff to forward this resolution be circulated the Councils of the Region of Waterloo and the Townships of Wilmot, Wellesley and North Dumfries.