Township of Woolwich
Revised Special Council - Planning Agenda

Meeting #:
Council Chambers - Hybrid with YouTube Livestream
24 Church Street West, Elmira ON, N3B 2Z6
Chair: Mayor Sandy Shantz

Instructions for Public Meeting

  1. This meeting constitutes the formal public meeting required under Sections 22 and 34 of the Planning Act and is for information purposes only.
  2. A decision of this application will be made at a future meeting of the Committee of the Whole and/or Council when staff has reviewed all submissions and prepared a report with a recommendation.
  3. All those attending will be given an opportunity to speak and those speaking are asked to provide the written outline and/or information used in their oral submission to the Clerk for the public record.
  4. Please contact Development Services Staff at the Township to receive further notifications about the application.

That the following by-law in the hands of the Clerk be read a first, second, third time and finally passed, that it be numbered as By-law number 70-2023, and that it be signed by the Mayor and Clerk and sealed with the corporate seal.


That the meeting adjourns to meet again in regular session on November 21, 2023.


This meeting is being live streamed to the Woolwich Township YouTube account and a recording will be published following the meeting. Live meetings will appear on the home page once the live stream has started which may be shortly after the scheduled start time. If you don't see a live video, please be patient and try reloading the page.


To submit comments or participate in the meeting or if you have any questions about the content or outcome of this meeting, please contact the Council and Committee Support Specialist at 519-669-6004 or 


Should you require an alternative format of any documents within this agenda package, please contact the Council and Committee Support Specialist at 519-669-6004 or