Township of Woolwich
Committee of the Whole

Revised Agenda

Video Conference with YouTube Live Stream
Hosted in Council Chambers
Chair: Councillor Murray Martin




That the Council of the Township of Woolwich convenes in closed session on Monday, May 30 at 5:30 p.m. electronically in accordance with section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, for the purposes of considering the following:

  1. advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose (Ontario Land Tribunal Matter);
  2. advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose (Legal Matter); and
  3. a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board (Waterloo North Hydro Update).

That Council reconvenes in open session.

Instructions for Public Meeting

  1. This meeting constitutes the formal public meeting required under Sections 22 & 34 of the Planning Act and is for information purposes only.
  2. A decision of this application will be made at a future meeting of the Committee of the Whole and/or Council when staff has reviewed all submissions and prepared a report with a recommendation. 
  3. All those attending will be given an opportunity to speak and those speaking are asked to provide the written outline and/or information used in their oral submission to the Clerk for the public record. 
  4. Please contact Development Services Staff at the Township to receive further notifications about the application.

Instructions for Delegations

  1. Please leave your video and microphone off until you are called on to speak.
  2. Each speaker has a maximum of 7 minutes. There will be a timer on the screen and you will hear a warning when you have 1 minute and when your time is up.
  3. Once you are finished, please turn your microphone and camera off again. You may listen in to the rest of the meeting or leave when you want.
  4. Council will hear from all speakers and ask questions of clarification. Council discussion and debate will start when all speakers on a topic have finished.

That the Council of the Township of Woolwich, considering Report DS16-2022 respecting Zone Change Application 8/2020 Conestogo Mill Inc. - 1795 and 1805 Sawmill Road, Conestogo:

  1. Approve changing the Zoning from Agricultural (A) with site specific provisions to:
    1. Settlement Commercial (C-3) and Settlement Commercial (f) – (flood plain) with site specific provisions,
    2. Settlement Commercial (C-3) with site specific provisions and a holding provision, and
    3. Open Space (O-2) in accordance with the amending By-law being in accordance with the proposed By-law attached as Attachment ‘4’.

That the Council of the Township of Woolwich, considering Report DS17-2022 respecting Zone Change Application 6/2021 (Township of Woolwich) / Surplus Property -28 South Street Elmira (Kiwanis):

  1. approve, in principle, to change the zoning from Open Space (O-1) and Residential – Mixed Medium Density (R-4) to Residential – Multiple with Design Guidelines (R-7A) with site specific provisions to permit an affordable housing development subject to the amending By-law being in accordance with the proposed By-law attached as Appendix ‘A’ to Report DS17-2022, and that By-law be presented once the new Township Official Plan comes into effect;
  2. declare a portion of the subject lands at 28 South Street, being approximately wide by 44m. deep, for the purpose of conveying it for affordable housing in accordance with the Sale and Disposition of Township Land By-law (86-2013); and
  3. direct staff to:
    1. have the lands, declared as surplus at 28 South Street, be appropriately surveyed;
    2. conduct preliminary, Phase 1, environmental investigation and determine future clean-up work required obtain a Record of Site Condition for the Lands to permit the subsequent development to a residential use;
    3. finalize a Request For Proposal (RFP) for the sale and disposition of the lands at 28 South Street for a 100% affordable/low income housing development, including terms and conditions to enter into a Purchase/Sale Agreement;
    4. have staff track costs to ensure cost recovery through the RFP process for items related to legal, surveying, and record of site works (including demolition if required); and
    5. initiate the RFP process.

That the Council of the Township of Woolwich, considering Report DS20-2022 respecting the Building Section staff increase request, approve the hiring of two full time Building Official positions for the Building Division, with funding to be fully covered from the Building Administration Reserve Fund.

That the Council of the Township of Woolwich, considering Report R05-2022, award Tender 2022-02 LED Lighting Installation at Lions Park Ball Diamond to Sentry Electric Inc. at a total cost of $263,558.40 after the H.S.T rebate.

That the Council of the Township of Woolwich, considering Report R06-2022 respecting Maryhill Fire Station Replacement:

  1. award Request for Proposal 2022-13 Maryhill Fire Station Design-Build Proposal to Domm Construction Ltd. at a total cost of $1,613,841.34 after the H.S.T rebate; and,
  2. provide 2023 pre-budget approval in the amount of $188,841.34 to fund the budget deficit.


That the meeting adjourns.

All decisions made at a Committee of the Whole Meeting are subject to ratification at the following Council Meeting.

Due to COVID-19, members of the public are not able to attend this meeting in-person. This meeting is being live streamed to the Woolwich Township YouTube account and a recording will be published following the meeting. Live meetings will appear on the home page once the live stream has started which may be shortly after the scheduled start time. If you don't see a live video, please be patient and try reloading the page.


To submit comments or participate in the meeting or if you have any questions about the content or outcome of this meeting, please contact the Council and Committee Facilitator at 519-669-6004 or 

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